Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Week 2 Weigh-In

I lost 3 more lbs as of Friday, I'm stoked! I'm down 7.5lbs total and am about 10lbs away from my first goal. I started at 173 and am at 165.5, my first goal is to reach 155, and then we'll see how I feel. I know I would like to get down to at 150. I think I weighed 145 around my early college days, which obviously was pre-baby so I am not sure how that weight will look on me now.
I'm pretty sure my weight loss will slow down now, I've always struggled to lose once I get into the low 160's so I really need to keep my mind focused. The past few days I've been a bit stressed out and wanting to 'cheat'. We had a party we went to on Sunday and I did indulge in a couple of cookies, and a soda and I'm sure I probably went over my daily points, but I have the weekly bonus points that I usually never use, so I figure I'm okay and should still be on track to hopefully lose another pound by Friday.
I get impatient very easily, I want results fast, and that's another obstacle for me. I want to see at least 2 lbs gone every week, but I know that its not going to happen especially since I'm nursing. I'm pretty sure WW says you shouldn't be losing more than 1lb a week if you're nursing since you're not really suppose to be dieting due to needing calories in order to produce enough milk. So, I need to accept the fact that its going to be a slow and steady process.
Challenges this week were me going through the phase of wanting to cheat and eat bad foods, I did also cave and have a couple Mt. Dews, I haven't been getting much sleep, so I 'needed' them, however, I tracked them on WW so that I stayed within my points allowance. I need to go pick up a case of diet so that I can grab one of them instead of being tempted by carb filled regular soda.
I also haven't been going walking or any other exercise the past week, we had a week of crappy rainy weather, and now its nice out again but Erik hasn't been home much to come with me on walks, and I don't like going by myself with both kids since Sam is not big on the stroller and wants to get out and walk, yet now follow me. Hopefully we'll get out at least a few times this week.

Success(s) this week was my 3lb loss of course! I also stuck to cooking relatively healthy meals and didn't cave in to the burger and fries that I so desperately am craving! My goal is to stay away from eating out, and I've stuck to it, I do plan on going out for dinner and a drink next week with a friend, hopefully I can make smart decisions with my meal so that I wont' feel as guilty about the Margarita I plan on drinking.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Week 1 Weight-In

Happy Friday! I weighed in this morning and have lost 4lbs! I'm very happy about it, but I need to remember that I won't lose that much every week since I'm just starting out, and it's normal to lose a lot in the first couple weeks.
I went walking every day this week except yesterday, we usually go a couple miles and I try to jog a little but I'm just not into running unless I'm being chased. I figure it will throw my body off a bit though even if I only do it for a few minutes so hopefully it will help with the weight loss.
Challenges have been lack of sleep which is making me crave a Mountain Dew, it was my crutch during the first month after Melanie came home, and then I stopped caffeine all together to see if it would help make Melanie less fussy. It didn't really work, but I decided to try and keep caffeine out of my diet. However, I may cheat here and there.
Another challenge is the kids, I rarely get to just sit down and eat, I end up scarfing my food down because someone needs me all the time so that is also making it hard to get all my points in before its too late in the day.
My goal for this next week is to try and plan ahead a bit more and take 20 minutes in the morning to enter everything I plan to eat for the day into the WW website so that I can try and be done eating by 7pm. I'd love to lose 2lbs this week, but will be happy with any loss at all.
Overall I'm happy with how the week went and I am feeling positive about the upcoming week & that I'll be able to continue making good decisions. Having Erik home to go with me on walks is awesome, I don't think I'd be going as often if I had to go on my own. I'm also really enjoying trying out new healthier meals, many I'm finding on pinterest which I'm newly obsessed with, so thats helping as well. I will try and post links to some of the things I've made if I can get time. As for now its late, and Melanie is finally asleep so goodnight!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The journey begins

I'm really not much of a writer, and have never done the blogging thing before, but I figure writing about dieting will help me stick to it, even if no one ever reads this.
I am 27 years old and have been married to Erik for almost 3 years, together for over 11. We have a son Sam who is 16 months & a daughter Melanie who is 2 months, so needless to say I have my hands full. I got pregnant before Sam was 6 months old, so my body has been through a lot. I had a C-Section with both kids so I'm rocking an awesome muffin top.
We're not planning on having another child anytime soon so I figure I don't have any more excuses to not get back into shape. I'm at pre-pregnancy weight, but I want to lose about 20lbs to start, and then if I achieve that goal I could probably afford to lose another 10, if I achieve that, I'd be at my high school weight, so I'm not going to hold my breath on that one.
For my diet I'm doing Weight Watchers, I'm nursing so I get 48 points to use a day which seems like a ton, but I was able to use them all up yesterday so I guess it won't be too much of a challenge. I've had success on the program before so I'm hoping it helps me out again this time.
For exercise we are walking a couple miles in the morning with the kids. I would like to do Jillian Michaels 30DS, but with two kids, one being a newborn I just don't get the chance to do it right now since the kids rarely nap at the same time and Melanie isn't in bed until after 10 and thats just too late to work out for me. I'm hoping in another month or so she'll be on more of a schedule and I'll be able to start the 30DS.
I am hoping to take body measurements and will hopefully post weekly with weight loss updates, tips and challenges I'm facing. I'll also try and post some of the recipes I find. So let the weight loss begin!